Developing Extensions

Extension Capabilities

Extensions can add the following capabilities to Zed:

Directory Structure of a Zed Extension

A Zed extension is a Git repository that contains an extension.toml. This file must contain some basic information about the extension:

id = "my-extension"
name = "My extension"
version = "0.0.1"
schema_version = 1
authors = ["Your Name <>"]
description = "My cool extension"
repository = ""

In addition to this, there are several other optional files and directories that can be used to add functionality to a Zed extension. An example directory structure of an extension that provides all capabilities is as follows:



Procedural parts of extensions are written in Rust and compiled to WebAssembly. To develop an extension that includes custom code, include a Cargo.toml like this:

name = "my-extension"
version = "0.0.1"
edition = "2021"

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

zed_extension_api = "0.1.0"

Make sure to use the latest version of the zed_extension_api available on

In the src/ file in your Rust crate you will need to define a struct for your extension and implement the Extension trait, as well as use the register_extension! macro to register your extension:

use zed_extension_api as zed;

struct MyExtension {
    // ... state

impl zed::Extension for MyExtension {
    // ...


Developing an Extension Locally

When developing an extension, you can use it in Zed without needing to publish it by installing it as a dev extension.

From the extensions page, click the Install Dev Extension button and select the directory containing your extension.

If you already have a published extension with the same name installed, your dev extension will override it.

Publishing your extension

To publish an extension, open a PR to the zed-industries/extensions repo.

Note: It is very helpful if you fork the zed-industries/extensions repo to a personal GitHub account instead of a GitHub organization, as this allows Zed staff to push any needed changes to your PR to expedite the publishing process.

In your PR, do the following:

  1. Add your extension as a Git submodule within the extensions/ directory
  2. Add a new entry to the top-level extensions.toml file containing your extension:
submodule = "extensions/my-extension"
version = "0.0.1"
  1. Run pnpm sort-extensions to ensure extensions.toml and .gitmodules are sorted

Once your PR is merged, the extension will be packaged and published to the Zed extension registry.

Extension IDs and names should not contain zed or Zed, since they are all Zed extensions.

Updating an extension

To update an extension, open a PR to the zed-industries/extensions repo.

In your PR do the following:

  1. Update the extension's submodule to the commit of the new version.
  2. Update the version field for the extension in extensions.toml
    • Make sure the version matches the one set in extension.toml at the particular commit.

If you'd like to automate this process, there is a community GitHub Action you can use.